About this event
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into focus and increased the need for food banks to help feed our local communities. An estimated 8.4 million people in the UK struggle to get enough to eat; the Trussell Trust; the largest food bank network in England, forecasts a 61% increase in food parcels needed across its UK network in October to December. Some population groups are more likely to experience food poverty; these include households where a member has a disability, BAME communities and people already experiencing poor physical or mental health.
This webinar, delivered by ELFT, will focus on this growing crisis and hear from Dr Claire Thompson, who has undertaken extensive research into food poverty. You will hear from local food bank providers to better understand this issue and how it impacts on our local communities.
Following the talks there will be opportunity for questions and discussion and look at how ELFT can link into this work further.
Who is this session for?
This session is open for everyone. The webinar will help you gain understanding of the challenges experienced through the COVID-19 pandemic by our local communities.
Contact details
Find out more about EFLT and this event by visiting their website.