About Us
Healthwatch Newham is leading one of the largest charity partnerships in Newham. It works with Newham's charity, voluntary and community organisations, and we would like to thank them for their guidance, particularly in our work with some of Newham's key communities.
The Advisory Board’s membership is drawn from Newham-based organisation representatives. Its role is to help Healthwatch Newham:
• Identify key areas of work.
• Develop and deliver activities.
• Provide guidance and support to project teams.
• Offer expertise, experience and knowledge which will promote and support Healthwatch Newham activities.
• Review applications to our community grants scheme.
Our Chairs
Councillor Canon Ann Easter (Co-Chair)
Councillors are elected by the community to decide how the council should carry out its various activities. They represent public interest as well as individuals living within the ward in which they have been elected to serve a term of office.
Julie Pal (Co-Chair)
CEO of CB Plus and Healthwatch Newham
CB Plus is an award-winning, multi-borough national charity based in London with a national reputation. Currently delivering services at a regional level, they have an aspiration to grow bigger by leading innovative partnerships, harnessing the creativity of residents and supporting community organisations building on their 40 years of success, experience and track record of delivery. Established in 1979, CB Plus have been supporting and building capacity to voluntary and community groups (VCS), charities and faith groups across the borough of Barnet. CB Plus continues to promote partnership and consortium working to ensure the borough has a thriving and sustainable sector.
Our Board
Alison Greene
Patient Experience & Engagement Matron
Alison Greene operates in Newham Hospital. Patient and Public Engagement within the NHS can be described as: The involvement of individual patients in their own care. The involvement of users and carers in service design and evaluation. Engaging communities and public in prioritisation and planning.
Anab Abdulkadir Hoffmann
Founder and Director of Healtogether CIC
Healtogether is a central place for information and support on mental health conditions and dedicated to the minority ethnic communities in the UK, to address the misconceptions around mental health conditions.
Angela Skrabania
Clinical Development Lead
Enabled Living is a people-focused business that works with and provides range of services to people across Newham. They are here to make a difference and improvement to the quality of life of Newham’s residents, providing community equipment, wheelchairs & specialist seating, and sensory support to Newham residents to help them maintain their independence.
Angus McKenzie Davie
Co-Chair for Newham Co-Production Forum (Adults)
Co-Production means everyone in Newham is given an opportunity to have a say and be part of important decisions on a range of services. To ensure that services are fit for purpose, developed using first-hand experiences, meet identified needs, accessible to all people, working in partnership to identify challenges and solutions.
Claire Helman
Chief Executive of Aston Mansfield
Aston Mansfield is a locally rooted organisation that wants to see more children, young people and families in Newham and east London leading happy healthy lives, realising their potential and unlocking their ambition.
Edyta Gach
Advice and Advocacy Casework Supervisor
The Roma Support Group (RSG) is a Roma-led Registered Charity in England and Wales working with East European Roma refugees and migrants. Since 1998 the RSG has worked with thousands of Roma families, offering them a variety of services, engaging the Roma community in all aspects of running and managing the organisation and promoting an understanding of Roma culture in the UK.
Fiona Scaife
Operational Director for Advocacy Services
Mind in Tower Hamlets and Newham has been delivering services and support for people living in the community for 30 years. Their aim is to help people in our local communities to have better mental health and wellbeing and to live the best lives possible. They do this by providing a range of services to meet local needs, including: Mental Health Support, Wellbeing Groups, Talking Therapies, Employment support, Advice and Information as wells as Advocacy services.
Herve Bessieres
Health Manager
The 150Club Community Prescription is in partnership with NHS Newham Clinical Commissioning Group (NCCG) and Newham Council. Residents of Newham are offered a range of physical activities and support through a lifestyle advisor to help them to complete the programme and combat these issues as well as continue with their improved healthy lifestyle.
Jo Fraizer-Wize
Director of Delivery of Newham
Jo Fraizer-Wize is an experienced system leader and manages the delivering of NHS care in Newham. She is also a representative of the North East London Integrated Care Board. It brings together NHS organisations, local authorities and community organisations to work in partnership with our local people to support them to live healthier and happier lives.
Michelle Kabia
CEO of Mind in Tower Hamlets and Newham
Mind in Tower Hamlets and Newham has been delivering services and support for people living in the community for 30 years. Their aim is to help people in our local communities to have better mental health and wellbeing and to live the best lives possible. They do this by providing a range of services to meet local needs, including: Mental Health Support, Wellbeing Groups, Talking Therapies, Employment support, Advice and Information as wells as Advocacy services.
Rukshana Ahmed
Training & Events Officer
Enabled Living is a people-focused business that works with and provides range of services to people across Newham. They are here to make a difference and improvement to the quality of life of Newham’s residents, providing community equipment, wheelchairs & specialist seating, and sensory support to Newham residents to help them maintain their independence.
Sandra Amoah
Co-Chair for Newham Co-Production Forum (Adults)
Co-Production means everyone in Newham is given an opportunity to have a say and be part of important decisions on a range of services. To ensure that services are fit for purpose, developed using first-hand experiences, meet identified needs, accessible to all people, working in partnership to identify challenges and solutions.
Stephanie McKinley
London Social Prescribing Network Manager
Since 2018, London Plus has been boldly championing and supporting London’s charities & community groups. They help to influence change in London by turning data into insight and running networks to build better connections.
Steve Bynon
Deputy Safeguarding Office for Adults
Bonny Downs Community Association (BDCA) is a dynamic community-led charity that has been serving the residents of the London Borough of Newham since 1998. We support a diverse cross-section of our local community, working with people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. We have a positive impact on local lives through a wide range of services and activities designed to bring people together and provide opportunities for people to connect with neighbours; improve their health and wellbeing; access the support they need; learn new skills; give back to their community; and celebrate life.
Taskin Saleem
Chief Executive of SubCo Trust
SubCo was founded in 1993 to address the unmet needs of vulnerable Asian elders in Newham, one of the poorest areas of the UK. Since that date, they have pioneered innovative, culturally and linguistically appropriate services to meet their health needs and sought to empower them, putting them at the centre of services and at the heart of our organisation.
Zhenreenah Muxhinga
Co-ordinator of Carers Community Mental Health Group
Carers Community Mental Health Group (CCMHG) is supported by Carers' First and Newham Council. This group gives carers a chance to catch up with each other, to get information on various topics, to share experiences, offer and receive advice. Monthly service providers can join in discussions speaking on various topics supporting and empowering carers.
Zoraida Colorado
Community Links is a hub tackling health and social inequality in East London and beyond. They work alongside the community helping people of all ages reach their full potential, and take their local knowledge of what works to influence national decision making.