Enter and View: Nicholas court care home
This was an announced Enter and View (E&V) visit, part of a planned strategy to assess the quality of supported living homes in the London Borough of Newham.

The home had 5 residents at the time of the visit with a capacity of 7 residents. The home has three units, they have 7 apartments. The home was reviewed on 5 April 2023 by the Care Quality Commission and was graded Good. On the day of our visits, we spoke with 1 member of the management team, 1 support workers, and 1 resident. The support worker was present during all the interviews.
Key Finding
- The home had 5 residents at the time of the visit with a capacity of 7 residents.
- The home has three units, they have 7 apartments.
- The home was reviewed on 5 April 2023 by the Care Quality Commission and was graded Good.
- On the day of our visits, we spoke with 1 member of the management team, 1 support worker, and 1 resident
- The support worker was present during all the interviews.
Based on our visit we recommends the following:
- Encourage the home to continue to foster an open, collaborative, and safe culture where staff feel able to report their concerns without fear of repercussions from other staff or the management. This should be closely linked to the review of the home’s approach to safeguarding training and support.
- Involve residents more, where possible, in the daily activities to ensure they are kept active and engaged, paying particular attention to residents who have the tendency to refuse to join group or one-to-one activities.
- Continue to provide more regular and in-depth safeguarding training to all staff to ensure a clear understanding of the subject, are aware of its importance and enable staff to respond appropriately to any concerns raised.
- Teach residents about the compliments and complaints procedure.
- Clean the outside of the building as it appears to be a potential health and safety issue
- Residents and staff should have been able to be interviewed privately without the input from the manager.