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Mental health support

There are many local and national organisations where you can find support for your mental health needs and especially during Coronavirus.
Woman walking on a path

Local organisations

Crisis Help - Care in Newham - 24 Hour Mental Health Crisis Helpline

You can call this number if you feel your mental health is deteriorating or if you are in distress and you need to contact a qualified mental health professional out of office hours.

020 7540 6782

Mind In Tower Hamlets and Newham (MiTHN): mithn.org.uk

National organisations

Anxiety UK: anxiety.org.uk

Beat: beateatingdisorders.org.uk

British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy: bacp.co.uk

Campaign Against Living Miserably: thecalmzone.net

Campaign to End Loneliness: campaigntoendloneliness.org

Healthwatch England: healthwatch.co.uk

Independent Age: independentage.org

Mental Health Foundation: mentalhealth.org.uk

Mind: mind.org.uk

Mind - Side by Side: sidebyside.mind.org.uk

National Survivor User Network (NSUN): nsun.org.uk

NHS: nhs.co.uk

Rethink Mental Illness: rethink.org

Samaritans: samaritans.org

World Health Organisation: who.int